What Lie Are You Telling Yourself?


We are all liars and we tell the biggest, most hurtful lies to ourselves.

According to Baron Baptise, “we all have a lie, that has formed from a painful or challenging experience (most likely from childhood), that we have told ourselves over the years. We made it mean something about ourselves as in we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, desirable etc. We internalize the lie and transmute it into the truth in our minds, thus allowing it to become a deep belief system.” (Being of Power, 123)

Your lie lives in a place of your life where you feel joyless, disempowered and have resigned to this is just how it is." It takes time to defy the life. It’s a difficult process. Your lie is slippery. It doesn’t want you to define it. Everyone can find their root story, they just have to really want to see it and dig deep.

Register for the Live in Color program.

Through this self-guided, Live in Color program you will uncover hidden childhood and life traumas that are keeping you stuck and create a plan for getting unstuck. You will interact with this program through a virtual app and receive coaching through the app.

Example :: When I was in kindergarten my mom and I were going to move from Charlotte to Oregon to live with my father. We didn't move because of relationship issues between the two of them, and that break significantly changed how my mother related to me. She became very distant with me, and she was depressed. As a result, I was constantly seeking the love, attention and acceptance that I had received from her previously. She was never able to show up for me in that way again. On top of her not giving me the love I had received before, my father remained mainly absent in my early years. As a result of the emotional neglect from them both, I told myself - subconsciously - was that I wasn't worthy of love. So, my lie is I am not worthy of love. That lie showed up as me allowing people to disrespect me in relationships, being physically and emotionally abused by my partners and having sex with men to win their love.

Who you are comes from the depth of your essence, and you control it. So, the lie you've told yourself is easily changed with you making a declaration that you are changing. A declaration would be “The lie that I am giving up is that I am __ and my new way of being is of ___.

Example :: The lie that I am giving up is that I am not worthy of love and my new way of being is respecting myself to demand love and respect in relationships.